While praying, I saw an image of the roots of a large tree. The roots were firmly planted in the ground. I felt God saying, “A time of testing and shaking is coming. The winds will blow across the world, and those who do not have their roots firmly rooted in Me will be blown over. I am the solid Rock, and those who plant themselves on Me will never be uprooted or blown over. Even the strongest wind will not uproot those who earnestly follow Me.”
I feel that a time of testing and trial is coming, when our faith in God will be tested, yet when we are fully rooted in Him, there is no storm in life that can uproot us. I was reminded of Matthew 15:13 – “He replied, ‘Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.’ ” Yet, we who truly follow God have nothing to fear, for we are planted on a firm foundation.